
Erlebnisse rund um's Tandem von Rana Gilgen & Moritz Kobel


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Scotland 2023

In the summer of 2023, we took an Interrail trip to & through Scotland.

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Cathlamet Marina - Astoria

Back to the Pacific

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Victoria - Sequim Bay State Park

Another entry into the U.S. and a lengthy postal visit.

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Ruckle - Victoria

Beautiful railroad trail

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Ferries from Skagway to Port Hardy

After a little over a thousand kilometers on the tandem, a few days of ferries were now on the agenda.

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From Munich to Lake Constance

After the stay in Munich we took the train to Kempten. From Kempten we enjoyed beautiful & quiet roads to Lake Constance.

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Oslo and return to Switzerland

We visited Oslo and then started the long journey back to Switzerland.


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Journey to Norway

No one should claim that New Zealand is far away... It takes us about 51 hours to get to Trondheim...


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Summary of the tandem tour through Norway

To make planning a little easier for copycats, we have summarized some facts and tips about our tandem tour.


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Tips for travel preparation

The travel preparations for our planned Norwegian tour this summer turned out to be more time-consuming than expected. Therefore, we have now summarized some tips and tools for copycats:

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Wellington - Picton

Capital visit and crossing to the South Island

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