
Erlebnisse rund um's Tandem von Rana Gilgen & Moritz Kobel


Tag Vancouver Island

Ruckle - Victoria

Beautiful railroad trail

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Chemainus River Campground - Ruckle

Exhausting detour via Saltspring Island.

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Cedar Crove Campground - Chemainus River Campground

A dream delicatessen

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Miracle Beach - Cedar Crove Campground

An impressive family of cyclists

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Campbell River - Miracle Beach

Leisurely tour along the coast.

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Montague Creek Recreation Site - Campbell River

A day full of challenges!

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Lake Nimpkish - Montague Creek Recreation Site

Another beautiful day through the forest in the north of Vancouver Island.

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Port Hardy - Lake Nimpkish

After the long break we drove all day through the forest!

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