
Erlebnisse rund um's Tandem von Rana Gilgen & Moritz Kobel


Tag Cooking

Sunset Bay State Park - Port Orford

Rain & Lasagna

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Kistap Memorial State Park - Twanoh State Park

Bathing in the Pacific Ocean

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Miracle Beach - Cedar Crove Campground

An impressive family of cyclists

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Dunedin - wait...

Waiting and driving on the steepest road in the world.

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Dunedin - forest fire

We are stuck as a result of forest fire.

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Conclusion North Island

We close our first conclusion after 1759km of tandem riding on the North Island of New Zealand

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Oruaiti - East Cape

Beautiful route and tandem horror

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Christmas and Luge

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Kiwi BBQ

Last Saturday we went to a real New Zealand Christmas barbecue.

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Scrambled eggs world record

Today, a fast food giant with the yellow M conducted a successful world record attempt for the largest scrambled egg.

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Windy 4.5 days tour

Actually, we planned a tour to Kaikoura, 180 km away. But due to the weather we had to shorten the tour.

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Bärner Züpfe

How do you attract Swiss people in New Zealand? One (or woman) bakes a "Bärner Züpfe" and serves it at school during the big break.

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Myth Greek Souvlakis

Greek taste experience in Christchurch.

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