Leisurely tour along the coast.
After the exhausting previous day we slept a little longer and already after about 3 kilometers we made the first stop. We visited the Elk Falls and the information pavilion of the power plant. This was interesting because the old penstocks of the power plant were built of wood.
Around noon we drove down the steep road and enjoyed the large selection of supermarkets and their huge assortment. Apart from Anchorage, Whitehorse and Prince Rupert, we had always had a relatively limited assortment on our trip so far and usually had to buy for several days, so that rather few fresh products found their way into our pots.
Loaded with fresh food, we then drove south along the coast, which seemed Mediterranean to us. After only 35km we pitched our tent on the huge campground at Miracle Beach. We were fortunately able to reserve one of the last places via the Internet while shopping (after many days with the provider "no service" we even have mobile phone & Internet here again).
We liked the place so much that we decided to stay two days. Here we benefited from changes in plans by other guests, so we were able to switch to a site that allowed us to stay for two days. (In the lower half of Vancouver Island, a campground can be booked up well once on the weekend. Since there are many more pure RV parks than tent sites, overnight stays can be more difficult and a reservation on the weekend makes sense).